Friday, August 12, 2011

Myth Making and gaming

I think the common denominator would be imagination. Those folks for whom passive, spoon-fed 'entertainment' like TV and such doesn't tweak their minds as they'd like. Yeah, storytelling IS part of that, since it takes imagination to envision alternate plot arcs and consequences from the same-o/same-o predictable story. Such is my opinion on it.
- Rikitiki
In reference to my comments below about inbred gamers, Rikitiki mentioned the above. The missives in bold (mine emphasis) fall into line with my thinking in a broad and narrow sense. Cultural dictums (hehehe) are conveyed via a variety of mediums. The shows on television are one such medium. Books, stories, movies, teachers, politicians, parents the church are also conveyers of information and instructions for how to behave, act and what to believe. For some, most of these mediums fall short of fulfilling a particular need or expectation. Other avenues are explored.

One such avenue is,I believe, roleplaying games (of whatever nature). It is through these that alternate myths are constructed with differing consequences. The real interesting aspects of this method of myth making is that everyone participates in the process and the results or consequences are (at least on paper) unknown.

More on this later as I ruminate.

and masticate my lunch.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Davis...I got quoted! ;-) Yes, you're very right about the many mediums, and I only mentioned one (TV). Of those mediums, some are more passive (TV, movies) than others (books) and therein I think is the other part of what you're talking about with gamers: imaginative folks who like to actively create a story rather than just taking it in. And, yeah, for me I was hooked my first D&D game (1979) because my character affected the story -- it wasn't static. Ever since, whenever describing RPGs to folks, I'd tell 'em, "It's street-theatre in your living room."
- Rikitiki

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