Saturday, October 13, 2007

Toe Jam

An interesting day. It began early for me as Davis was off at the shop working on Other World books and the After Winter Dark Folio books. He's breaking in the new cutter and learning as he goes. I was on the phone with him and we were discussing various and sundries. I'm not fond of the phone and tend to pace or scroll on the net while talking. I was pacing and moving pretty fast and smashed my toe on a chair leg. It hurt like a devil, turned black after awhile and now its rather purple/black. Apparently I broke it. Still hurts like a devil and walking isn't very fun. My greatest fear is my 2-year old and the pain he will no doubt visit upon it!

But despite that the AFW Folio is almost ready to ship to distributors. We have the books all cut and the Folio's mostly stuffed. Hopefully this week.

I also made corrections on the Vakhund and Dragons of Aihrde covers, bringing them in line with the new cover layout.

Now for a couple of renditions by Dean and I'm going to hobble off to bed.

Thanks for Playing,

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