To start in the middle of the story. Yesterday I took a load of orders up to the Post Office. I was in a bit of overdrive trying to get things done before the noon hammer falls. I whisked in there, saw in the mirror that only one couple was in line and thought to myself "Ah, this is good. I'll be in and out in no time." Well. Not so fast. Before me was a delightfully calm elderly couple who were mailing one letter. They had some xx penny stamps and needed a particular combination to get the regular postage (which for the life of me I can't think of what that amount is at the moment). They didn't want to go over, nor have too many stamps on the letter. They went through several options and Janice (postal clerk) went to get them specific stamps. She was out of one of the particulars. So, back to the drawing board. For me, I thought, "this is like a road runner cartoon with elevator music. I come barreling in here and . . . slam! I've hit a brick wall. And now I'm just standing here listening to these gentle souls discuss penny stamps." I could almost hear the music. They proceed to prolong it as they needed yet more stamps to take home and then paid for it all in the exact change. It was all quite funny, and of course I smiled and nodded when they turned and joked some.
I like stamp people. They are generally very calm people.
I zipped out of there after mailing the packages and headed over to the print shop to get books out of the warehouse as we had had a Diamond order come in and I was out of Gygax's Book of Names and Players Handbooks. Once done, I filled the Diamond Order out and headed over to UPS, the Bank and then off to North Little Rock to visit my Aunt in the hospital. Picked up kids and then back to the office to work. You might ask yourself (you might not) why I was whisking all over the place in such a hurry. Well the Mortality of Green of course. Yesterday morning, before my brick wall at the post office, had begun better than expected as I began writing on C2 Shades of Mist very early, about 8:15 in the a.m. But 10-11 or so I was close to 2000 words on before I had to go to the post office. I was quite anxious to get back to the project as my working outline was fleshed out enough to allow me to write loads in a short time.
Well back to the office meant phone calls (Casey Christofferson and Green Ronin), emails and some contract issues I had not settled for some projects or the other, ad copy for Gord the Rogue to Diamond (that cover has completely changed by the by). The day puttered out without me returning to the work at hand.
Tuesday was a little less productive (remember I started in the middle of the story) as I spent the day working on Jared Blanco's map of Yggsburgh for Gary's Town Expansions that have just begun seeing the light of day (Town Halls on RPGNow) and trying to get caught up packing orders (note above) as Mark is still embroiled in the East Mark Folio, getting it ready for which the Blanco map is critical. My afternoon was hemorrhaged completely with trying to catch up on further TLG financial issues that I had left to sit for far too long. We all worked late into the night at the print shop Tuesday night, with me running back and forth with corrected files and what not.
Today is a new day of course, its a Thursday, and these are my best days. I'm on email duty, packing again, and will shortly return to C2.
Thanks for Playing.
Popular Culture, Movies, History, Games, Castles and Crusades. The musings of the Brothers Chenault. Troll Lord Games
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1 comment:
I have never been to an efficient post office. EVER.
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