From the witness: “From the distance of height I venture to guess it was possibly not as large as a commercial aircraft, but perhaps the size of a private airplane. I had the impression it seemed to be ascending but also seemed to be floating and at first moved slowly.” He snapped the shots, turned away and when he looked back it was gone.
Popular Culture, Movies, History, Games, Castles and Crusades. The musings of the Brothers Chenault. Troll Lord Games
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
UFO Files
A trick of the light, or something more? A witness in Georgia snapped a shot of a UFO flying over the high way. He spied the object from his driveway while heading out for a walk. Its clearly far away and up high, but no clear what it is.
From the witness: “From the distance of height I venture to guess it was possibly not as large as a commercial aircraft, but perhaps the size of a private airplane. I had the impression it seemed to be ascending but also seemed to be floating and at first moved slowly.” He snapped the shots, turned away and when he looked back it was gone.
From the witness: “From the distance of height I venture to guess it was possibly not as large as a commercial aircraft, but perhaps the size of a private airplane. I had the impression it seemed to be ascending but also seemed to be floating and at first moved slowly.” He snapped the shots, turned away and when he looked back it was gone.
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