Monday, June 16, 2014

Magic the Gathering to the Big Screen

20th Century Fox has hired Game of Thrones screen writer, Bryan Cogman, to adapt a script for the big screen based on the Magic the Gathering card game.

Hopefully he can leave his GoT roots behind him and won't kill all the characters in Magic the Gathering as soon as you start liking them…which is a good rule of thumb for GoT by the by, if the character starts to have some redeemable quality, they are going to die (I'm joking of course…sort of ?)

But this should be interesting to say the least. Hopefully it has some depth to it as the story does count as much as the giant balls of fire.


C.D. Gallant-King said...

I imagine this will go over similarly to Wrath of the Dragon God.

Josh said...

Getting someone who worked on Game of Thrones helps with the credibility, but WotC doesn't have a good reputation for good films. It's hard to imagine this going well, but I still have my fingers crossed.

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