Monday, April 14, 2014

Where to Be When it Goes Zombie

The fine folks at Put it in a List, I mean have compiled a nice list of what state in the Union you want to be in during a Zombie Apocalypse. The Troll Den's home state, and current place of residence, made the to 10, landing at number 8.

Apparently important pre-requisites are gun stores, walmarts and military bases.

Where do you land?


Anonymous said...

My state is way down the list, but it's a small matter. I live just outside a small town on the edge of a wilderness. There's more firearms than people around here, and there's no Walmart required because everyone is stocked up with what we need. As a plus, I live on a hill with some good views.

Analysis: low number of potential zombies, high number of citizens capable of dropping them at a distance, plenty of game in the area for when supplies run low. I think we'll be just fine.


Troll Lord said...

Yeah, your in a good spot. Even though I'm in Arkansas I'd have to get out of Little Rock. About 180,000+ people in and around here!

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