Friday, April 18, 2014

The Next Big Thing is almost here!

You've heard me yammering on lately about "The Next Big Thing".  Well that is our latest Kickstarter and believe me when I tell you it is big.  It's most likely going to be called Castles & Crusades Kickstarter, because that is what it is -- the Core Kickstarter for C&C.

We are sold out of both the Players Handbook and Monsters & Treasure and almost out of our Castle Keepers Guide.  So we are planning a whopper of a Kickstarter to get all of these in FULL COLOR.  As you may know if you have the 5th printing of the PH, it is in color and the response has been great, the images are amazing, and the colors are fantastic.  So we want to do the 6th printing in color as well as the Monsters & Treasure and Castle Keepers Guide in color.

We should be launching sometime in the middle to end of next week, so look for it.  And also, if you aren't on our subscription list, I would advise you to do so before then.  Just a heads up on a special deal from our Trolls Tusk Newsletter.  If you were on the list last time, you know what I mean.  To subscribe, go here:  Newsletter

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