Monday, April 14, 2014

Coins and Weight

How to know how much coin one can carry. Silver and gold, copper and platinum, all have different values and different weights. Coins from one regain may be markedly different than coins from another. Gold and silver are very soft and wear over time with usage, becoming ever lighter as they pass from one pocket to another and from one horde to another. 

So how to figure out how much money your character can carry. You can't with any degree of realism, luckily RPGs are not realistic (generally) and we can dispense with the need to be on the spot with weight and size . . . as if we could anyway.

C&C does a basic every coin is roughly an ounce. This would make gold coins, as the metal is heavier, smaller than silver coins, whose metal is lighter. This gives you a base line to go with. that's about 16 coins to a pound, so 160 coins is about 10 lbs.

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