Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Going Brad Pit in Fight Club

A few years ago TLG bought a new Truck for the company. Its a good vehicle, but is the first one I've driven that has all the vehicle light ups…messages, colored bulbs, little whily gigs telling you stuff about your car you should already be aware of…and I remember when the odometer reading vanished, replaced with a "need wiper fluid" (or something similar). It irritated me a bit, but this was soon joined by a litany of messages…left tire needs air (it doesn't, we just have violent temperature changes here in Arkansas) and other odd and end things.

Basically a honey do list from my truck.

I could have kicked my dashboard in, especially when trying to track mileage for gas usage. It still pisses me off…so much so when I buy again I'm buying a 1976 chevy long bed with crew cab. The trolls will travel with no dash board lights.

But I swear if my toaster started wiggling to demand attention I'm going all Brad Pit in Fight Club!

Addicted products: The story of Brad the Toaster from Simone Rebaudengo on Vimeo.

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