Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Braelick's Hermitage

When first they met Brealick he dwelt in a small patch of earth, hollowed out by his hands high up on the hills overlooking the forested Mistbane River Valley. He was wrapped in a ragged cloak, with no shoes and little clothing, nor any worldly goods of which to speak. He dwelt alone in his poverty.

And he communed with the gods. The Maiden of Pain he called her, but in truth it was Tefnut, the Val Eahrakun, who in ages past dwelt in those river valleys in the splendor of her power. And now the poverty of her people reflected her own and Braelick's suffering proved its echo.

From where the forest gave way to the rugged mountains he dwelt . . .

~  From the World of Aihrde

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