Wednesday, April 09, 2014

10% of the Brain

We only use 10% of our brain…or so we've been told. This is true, because most of the brain is just support material for the rest of it. Apparently its NOT hidden with potential use and untapped reserves of god head.

Dangit now we have to get out and pull!


Anonymous said...

Are you referring to glial cells? I thought our understanding of what they do had changed recently away from the support-only role (as well as the ratio of glia and neurons).

The 10% thing has long been a peeve of mine, having heard some respected lecturers fall back on it when talking to an auditorium full of nodding people. Arrrggh! Saw the Lucy trailer yesterday. It was looking good right up to that point. Now I think I'll pass.


Anonymous said...

Unless they're pulling out the winch cable (which you can clearly see in the picture) to tow themselves out, like you do when you get a Jeep with a winch stuck up to it's fenders in mud.


Troll Lord said...

Jeff, that movie clip is what made me think of the 10% brain thing. Then I asked an Neurologist friend of mine. She said something about mostly support matter, but they have recently decided we have some of the frontal lobe we don't use or some such.

Troll Lord said...

Nice catch Shadow Acid!

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