Saturday, March 08, 2014

Star Wars and the Black Angel being released

Ok, when I kept up with such things, I had heard about the Black Angel movie. Many of us thought it was a Star Wars short that had never been released. Well, the Black Angel movie has been found

No, I’m afraid Black Angel is NOT a lost chapter in the Star Wars saga itself. Rather, it was a companion short and directorial debut of Star Wars art director Roger Christian shown only in select areas back in 1980 when The Empire Strikes Back first opened. It was only screened in Europe and Australia, and after disappearing without a trace, was long believed to be an urban legend by many Star Wars fans until it resurfaced in 2011.

Hit the jump for more info, and two clips from the legendary film.

  • George Lucas commissioned the piece after reading the script in 1979, and gave Christian a budget of $50,000. The 25 minute short subject was made as an introduction to ESB, and told the story of Sir Maddox–a knight who returned home after the Crusades to find that his family was missing. While searching for them through a mystical realm, he encounters a beautiful maiden held in the clutches of an evil black knight.




Anonymous said...

I remember this film showing as the supporting feature with ESB in GB. I've been looking for this on DVD for years. I had no idea that it was believed lost.
A great, fun short film. Very atmospheric. Like a D&D encounter. It had better not be download only. (That doesn't count, you know).

Roger said...

It will be released as a BluRay and DVD , soon. At same time as download as many people request that saw ell.

will keep everyone informed, thank you for the positive remarks.

Roger said...

It will be released as a BluRay and DVD , soon. At same time as download as many people request that saw ell.

will keep everyone informed, thank you for the positive remarks.

Anonymous said...

Great news. I will certainly buy this.

SleepyBison, on Black Angel said...

Yes, I read that the last Black Angel reel surfaced in a rival studio's holdings, probably acquired en masse when absorbing studios. Star Wars may not be related, but it is a piece of SW fandom now. The Empire Strikes Back was great, and now it can be complete. :P

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