Friday, June 28, 2013

Daily Cosplay


Timothy S. Brannan said...

Not sure who she is supposed to be, but I am happy she here!

Unknown said...

Holy camel toe Batman.

Troll Lord said...

Its supposed to be Emma Frost. I don't remember that costume though.

StevenWarble said...

That is Emma Frost possessed by the Phoenix force in the recent Abengers vs X-Men story line.

Unknown said...

Oh. I thought it was Hottie McHottenstein of the Hottentot Brigade. No...?

Anonymous said...

Troll Lord-How can you not remember that costume? You posted it a little over a month ago.

Troll Lord said...

I can't remember anymore! hahah Sometimes I delete the cosplay pictures from my cosplay folder and apparently, sometimes I don't.

I did think when I posted her, that she looked familiar but I discounted it as my brain is tired. haha

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