Friday, July 15, 2011

Castles and Crusaades is getting its first new ruleset

So I ran some playtests by Steve the other night and he really enjoyed the rules I was using. It started with fairly simple damage reduction rules for armor. Then came changes to damage, then to hit points, then attributes, then skills and even the nature of the to hit roll. They are being designed in conjunction with and for the Inzae setting. Hopefully I'll be able to the basic rules out soon and the setting and more 'complexifying' rules later.

I'm only saying something because Steve liked the rules (he's a litmus test for understandability), which means I'm giving them a green light for further development.


The Grey Elf said...

Interestingly, most of the new rules and systems in Amazing Adventures first saw playtest as houserules in my own C&C game.

Davis Chenault said...

That's how these came about. I've been tinkering for a year or more on these rules and think I have them down to a usable format.

Gaming Ronin said...

Sounds very interesting.

Omote said...

Rules for publishing?


Davis Chenault said...


Gaming Ronin said...

How would said rules set be used? A new setting? Or a new optional set of rules for C&C?

Davis Chenault said...

The rules will be completely optional. The genesis of the rules are my campaign setting, Inzae. Its a grim,low fantasy setting and I kept changing the rules, adding a little here and a little there to help recreate in the rules the ideas I had in my head. So, it will be tied to my setting.

Gaming Ronin said...

That sounds great! So is it done yet? J/K

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