Friday, January 28, 2011

The sales and a Wedding!

First off, the free PDF offer is going great. For those that don’t know about it, check the blog post directly below this one to find out how you can get your free copy of the Crusader Journal 24. I’m sending Direct Messages on Twitter to let you know how you will be able to download it. So check your Messages box there if you are participating.

In other Twitter news, we are having our Twitter only sale today until midnight. Check @trolllordames or @chenaultandgray tweets for this offer. I will tell you this: it is over 80% off a print copy item!
The other sales are winding down. Monsters and Treasure of Aihrde and Gods & Monsters Hardcover sale ends Feb. 3, less than one week. 40% off when you buy both! Find the sale here.That’s the same date our sale at RPGNow and DrivethruRPG ends. All items at those stores are at least 30% off until Feb. 3. Go here to save on all .pdfs.

We are coming to TrollCon East in New Jersey next month! Please check the website soon for information on that or check back here and when I have more information on the details I will give them to you.

In other news, the Troll Lord and myself (Tim, newbie Dr. Pepper drinker) are off to our old friend Kenneth’s wedding this weekend! We hope to cause lots of mischief and drink plenty of beer. I’ll try to get a few photos of Troll Lord dancing on the tables. It’s always a grand sight to see. Check our twitter feeds if you want to know what trouble we are getting into at the wedding.

Well, that’s all for now. I'll post some pics from the wedding here and on twitter if Troll Lord doesn't steal my camera. :-)

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