Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Blog is back!

The Troll Dens blog is back!
It’s been a while, but we are glad to be once again blogging. We are still working on the layout and formatting of this page, but hope to finish that this week.
We will use this space to talk about various things going on at Troll Lord Games and about Castles & Crusades and hopefully to get some feedback from you guys about what you like about TLG and what you would like to see more of.  Their will be occasional blogs by The Troll Lord himself and some by the motley bunch, Davis, Mark, Mac, Tim, etc.

Also, there are more ways than ever before to find out what we are up to.  Steve has a twitter account: @trolllordgames as well as Tim: @chenaultandgray and Facebook: Troll Lord and Castles & Crusades and if you want to find our online admin guy Tim Burns.  There are also numerous forums at Troll Lord and there is also a great Castles & Crusades Society.
We will also utilize this blog to announce our specials and offers we run.  Twitter and Facebook are great ways of getting out information, but sometimes the space allowed there just isn’t enough to say what we want to.
To that end, I’d like to tell you a little bit about our sale at RPGnow and DrivethruRPG.  It’s the biggest PDF sale we’ve run so far and I think if you take a look you will find something you have always wanted.  All items are on sale by at least 30%, some a lot more. Here are a few examples: Castles & Crusades Players Handbook is only 13.99, Monsters and Treasure is only 11.19, and the adventure They Call Him Guff is only 70 cents!  Everything we offer in PDF is marked down and it’s truly the best time to gather up all those things on your wish list.
Thanks for stopping by and please subscribe to follow this blog for more musings and information from us here at Troll Lord Games.

1 comment:

John Matthew Stater said...

Glad to hear from you guys again!

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