Monday, January 31, 2011

Post wedding business

Hey all…we are still cranking away at the CK Guide and a bunch of other products in hardback. We’re burning all the Troll Oil we can to get them done and out to you as fast as possible. Along with a few other adventures that are getting set to print, we have never been busier. And that is in large part thanks to all of you who have preordered the CK Guide, MT of Aihrde and Gods & Monsters. Remember to put your order in early as those who are first in queue are the first to get theirs shipped.

Speaking of MT of Aihrde and Gods & Monsters, the 40% off sale on the duo is about to come to an end. Thursday Feb. 3 is the final day to save, so put your order in now. The PDF Sale (30% off everything) ends the same day. Get your goodies at these special prices before they are gone!

Steve had to back out of the wedding, we were just too busy for him to get out of town for that long, so I (tim) went and took some photos of our great and fearless friend Kenneth’s wedding with The Ching, aka Ritchie Ching Neely, nee Castro. A good time was had by all and Steve was jealous that I got to drink beer and carouse while he worked. Sucks to be in charge, Troll Lord. Anyway, there are some photos at the bottom of this blog that you can peruse. Weather was great and Kenneth was his usual crazy self.

TrollCon East is fast approaching. Feb. 25 – 27 I believe in the great state of New Jersey. I’m making the trek with the Troll Lord, so those of you who are sick of seeing all my advertisements about sales and my tweets and my annoying little comments here and there, come on over and throw a pie in my face. You must supply your own pie, however.

Let’s see, what else? The PDF giveaway is still going thru Thursday. We are giving out a free copy of our Crusader 24. For more details, click here and you can see how to get your copy. And all the kinks are out of the way now, so downloading is much faster and is available now.

Lastly, I want to make sure all of you know about the C&C society run by Eric Piper. It’s a great place for TLG Gamers to go talk, find out which Cons people are going to, and to catch up on what the latest info from a fan perspective is. So go on over there and check them out, you won’t be sorry. It’s a very cool site.

That’s all for now…

1 comment:

All Things Fun! (Ed) said...

Oh...I'll provide the pie! Come out and join us at All Things Fun! for some Troll-Con Goodness.

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