Monday, January 24, 2011

Busy Times in the Troll Dens!

MT of Aihrde and Gods & Monsters Hardback SALE!
For a limited time only, we are offering these two gorgeous hardback books together and deeply discounted. This is a huge thank you to all those Crusaders out there who may have purchased the perfect bound editions when they really wanted a hardcover. But now all of you can join in the savings! Go HERE to get this limited time special now!

PDF Sale Extended
As you probably know, we have been having a storewide sale of ALL of our PDF files here: This sale has now been extended through Midnight on February 3, 2011. The demand has been great and we wanted to show our appreciation by making it possible for everyone to take advantage of these great deals. So if you haven’t already, check out the sale and save today.

Twitter Only Sales
Our last Twitter only sale at our own TLG store was a huge success. We had Tainted Lands on sale for only 9 dollars from 10AM to Midnight last Friday. Continue to check our twitter feed for other Twitter only sales each week. Our official hashtag for Troll Lord Games and Castles and Crusades is #trolllordgames. Be sure to check there for the latest announcements about sales and specials and any forum like discussions from us and fans alike.

Preorder your Books Today
The long awaited Hard Cover editions of our most popular items are now available for Preorder at Troll Lord Games. All the rule books -- including the Castle Keeper’s Guide, Of Gods & Monsters, Monsters & Treasures, Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde, Players Handbook, as well as a special complete C&C that comes in a slip sleeve, sporting the gorgeous piece of fantasy art by our very own Peter Bradley -- are on sale now. Demands for these items are great so get your order in today!

Updates to the TLG Website
We have been working hard (mainly Brian) to revamp and update our TLG site. We’ve made it easier than ever to order our books not only from us, but from Amazon, RPGNow and DrivethruRPG. Soon we will have a character reference sheet available as an application on ITunes that will allow you to download it from ITunes. We will have more offerings coming on Itunes the future so I’ll let you know about those when they become available. Many more changes are in the works at the TLG site so check back often to see what’s going on.

Each day we try to improve our service to you because that what you have come to expect and it’s important to us. Please let us know how we can serve you better. And thanks for being a loyal TLG/Castles & Crusades fan.

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