Thursday, April 21, 2022

Weapons and weapons and weapons

The weapons book is underway. So as I mentioned, not only will we be adding weapons to the book, I will be adding monstrous weapons as well.To wit, my first monstrous weapon. Its not anything terribly unique mechanically, but this is how it shall begin. 

My first monstrous weapon! Now, as I move into more unusual monsters, the weapon shapes and functions will change. If anyone has ideas or anything please let me know - on anything (except taxes).

Centaur Weapons (3)

Tsorin: This is a nine-foot-long spear or lance. Centaurs and similar creatures use these. The tsorin is made of a smooth, light, pliable wood to reduce its weight and allow the tsorin to glide up and down the hand of the user. The tip of the spear is long and leaf shaped at the base with a very sharp elongated triangular tip. The interior sections of the leaf of the blade is often hollowed out for ceremonial tsorin. The foot of the tsorin has a small metal ball and double hook attached to it which ideally weighs as much as the spear head. This ball acts as a counterbalance to the head giving tsorin’s center of balance in its middle. The tsorin functions allows reach to engage those attacking the haunches and is used primarily as a thrusting weapon gliding up and down the hand to extend reach as much as possible. The ball and hooks at the foot of the tsorin are used to hook and trip opponents.

Weight 9 pounds

Length: 9 feet

Damage: Simple 1d6 / Spear 1d6 or Ball 1d4

Special attack: Trip

Strength to wield: 14


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