Monday, April 11, 2022

The Undying War Kickstarter

Coburg the Undying dwells in the ruins of Aufstrag, the citadel of Unklar the Horned God. A vile, spiteful creature, Coburg styles himself a master of the world, but in truth is little more than a cruel shadow of his former master. Even so, his power to bring pain and suffering is unmatched in the realms of the east. And it is he that brings the war to realms of men...the Undying War between good and evil.

What is the Undying War Kickstarter?

We are taking the previously published A series of Modules (see below) and rolling them out in a single, easy to use, full color, hardback. We are updating stat blocks and layout and integrating 5th Edition staples, like milestones, to make the whole project more palatable for those who play the worlds most popular role playing game. This new iteration includes a mountain of new maps, all hand drawn by Bill Edmunds, and integrated into layout seamlessly. Zoe DeVos is on deck to create all new are for the book. And lastly Stephen Chenault is going to dive in, update the text to make it all run smoothly with the quests for the Vessel of Souls and the Horn of Opening. 

So what do you get:

  • New Layout
  • New Maps
  • New Art
  • Updated Content
  • Story integration
  • Background and pointers

And that's just in the book! We are hard at work on the setting books for the A series, New Aenoch, to help the CK have all the information at their fingertips. More detailed maps will accompany the settings material as well. 

All this for the 5th Edition Adventure Path: The Undying War.

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