Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Adventure Hooks in Aihrde

In writing material for the Barachian Coast in the world of Aihrde I try to include adventure hooks for the CK/DM/GM, so they have plenty run with. Here is a rough sample. The Hemland.

The Hemland is a small stretch of land between the Aratock Mountains and the sea. The land here is very fertile and sports deep grass that lasts much of the year. The grasses grows almost to the sea, coming to an end amost to the sea. Here long, narrow, and largely open and free of habitation guide the land beneath the waters of the Amber Sea. Dozens of small, low-lying islands, dot the shallow waters of the Hemland, creating the perfect environment for a rich harvest of fish. 

The Lace Road crosses the Hemland.

A small lake, Lake Theal, lies beneath the western eves of the mountains, between them and the sea. Here the Emperors built a massive palatial villa in days of old, nestled upon a series of ledges, overlooking the small lake and calm waters of the sea beyond. Abandoned during the Winter Dark, it stood seemingly empty, but in truth some of the Imperial family fled there, hiding from the wrath of the Horned God. There they lived in secret, until they died off. Though many believe they did not die off, but linger their stills, ancient relics to an ancient world, kept alive by elixers of health. Or their ghosts haunt the abandoned halls, hording what treasure they may. In any case, travelers on the Lace Road, avoid it as a haunted place, cursed by the gods.

Despite this, the Hemland is a peaceful area, well used by the peoples of New Aenoch.

Excerpts from teh Barachian Coast, an Aihrde expansion book.

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