Wednesday, February 23, 2022

OMG A Product Meeting

I stayed awake through this entire product meeting. I had to, Stephen was sitting across the table from me. That said, the night before I literally fell asleep in the middle of the conversation. When my body says sleep, it means, sleep. Dumb body. Product meetings can be exciting, but mostly not. The product meeting is basically when it goes from the idea stage to the “this is our tentative writing schedule and release schedule” stage. That is boring with a capitol B, O, R, I, N, and G. This has been exacerbated by the wonders of technology.

A gathering of the Trolls

I did take notes. I don’t know what they say so I will interpret them as I go down the line and try and give everyone a preview of projects we have lined up. This does not mean any will be finished in any specified period of time. But, I will say that those on my desk, if they are not finished, I starve. I’m thinking I should set up a tip jar somewhere. Or I could go back to begging. I’m fairly good at looking completely pathetic.

1. Book of Familiars – Gut. I am not sure what this means. I assume it means we will be doing a rewrite with fewer familiars and easier rules. It’s sorta too much for its intended use, essentially making it less useful. No timeline. Just something on the chopping block.

2. Monsters and Treasure – Gut.  2 years or so. Changes to layout I think. The current print run will be sold out by then I think. So yeah, put on the back burner where it will probably stay.

3. Halls of Wood Hall of Stone – this is bad ass. I can’t recall the authors name but he is a historian and fascinated by castles. To wit, we now have a castle book coming out with completed castes, from guilds to lords included. Not sure on the timeframe. This year probably.

4. Guild and Orders – guilds and orders. This is me (Davis). I am actually having a difficult time writing this because it is so…. Its not very exciting yet. But I am supposed to be done in 4 weeks. I am not going to be.

5.  Aethrop’s Guide – expansion. Chuck is in charge of this. It is a very popular book so we tasked Chuck with an expansion. No timeline or anything. But chuck did a great job. This is a guide to making stuff with animal parts and junk. Hahah. Ask Chuck

6. Patreon expansion – on me, late (been a bit obsessed by international events). Anyway, I will have an update in the morning for all patreon accounts and others. All I can say is, HEX CRAWL !!!

Points of interest/adventures

7. Planes Book – Stephen is taking the lead on this as he has the clearest vision. I will be doing backup writing. This will be out by fall. Planes and such.

8. Tainted Lands update or reprint. Not sure. Was not paying much attention. We have quite a bit of Jame’s material on hand so we will be doing something with that.

9. Weapons and Armor – expansion. Freaking finally. Now I get to include fantastical weapons that say some three fingered cricket creature might use. Ahaha. Peter Bradley will be helping me with this.  

10. A Series – yup…. Stephen should have information early next week.

11. Amazing Adventures – Jason is doing some stuff. Again this is Jason’s bag so, don’t really keep up. Jason did write a bad ass little game I want to throw out there. It has nothing to do with Amazing Adventures though.

12 Codex Sinarum is next up in the mythos line. It is complete and we are doing art/layout/ covers as we speak (as I write. I am not doing anything on it.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Planes book in time for X-Mass. Yum, yum. Must purchase

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