Friday, February 04, 2022

Adventuring Beyond the Material Plane

Davis and I have begun work on the tentatively titled "The Codex of Planes" for Castles & Crusades. And in order to get in the spirit of plane travel and creating a really good resource for running and playing in adventuring in the outer planes I began re-reading the Elric Saga last night. I sat down and began the first in the series.

I absolutely love the Eternal Champion concept (Corum is my favorite) and the Elric adventures capture that high fantasy, that passes into and through the worlds beyond the material and those tread by gods and beasts of extraordinary power perfectly. 

And all that brought me to remember one of my all time favorite pieces of art: Michael Whelan's cover for Elric of Melnibonne. He is, without a doubt, my favorite fantasy artist, and this picture brings all his skills to the fore. 

There is nothing really like Elric, Whelan or adventures in the outer planes.

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