Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Edgar Rice Burroughs on Kickstarter

Michael Tierney's Edgar Rice Burroughs 100 Year Art Chronology has launched on Kickstarter. This massive, four volume, undertaking explores the massive publishing history of Edgar Rice Burroughs in the pulps, novels and comics.

An illustrated history it includes mountains of pictures that have not been seen for decades, some close to a century.

Edgar Rice Burroughs historian Robert Zeuschner saw ERB, Inc's proof copies and reported online:

"Michael has produced something that is quite wonderful, and gives us all access to those old pulp covers and the book covers which many readers and collectors have never seen. This is certainly going to be a project that many of us will want to add to our bookshelves."

Check it all out on the Kickstarter Page!

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