Thursday, October 09, 2014

Troll Moot Coming

So, we had a great time earlier this year at a cabin in the woods playing some games. For three whole days just Steve, myself, Mac, Chris, Kim and Todd sat around by the lake, drank in' stank in' and gamin. It brought back memories of those 24 hour games I played in my youth. Some games were even longer.

Well, we got another Troll Moot coming up. 72 hours of sitting drank in', stank in' and gaming. Cabin, woods, fire, table and no interruptions. Awesome.

Thought I would get a picture of the cabin up in case anyone wanted to drop by!!!!

Bring your own TP.

And here is a selfie of three of us!

1 comment:

Deogolf said...

Damn, Boys, yer lookin' gud!!

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