Tuesday, August 19, 2014

War of Giants

As we've rambled about from time to time here in the Dens, the two giants Amazon and Hachette Publishing have been hacking it out over digital pricing and other issues. There you saw B&N take a swipe at Amazon by cutting prices to meet Amazon and Amazon removing pre-orders of loads of titles.  Recently similar problems erupted with Disney and Amazon, over pricing, placement and who should take the hit when Amazon undercuts Disney. 

There are the giants Hachette, Amazon and Disney at blows and shaking the world of commerce.

Enters the fray: Walmart!

Walmart joined the mess by massively cutting prices on Disney releases, including preorders. She immediately cut the legs out from under Amazon on this one because as everyone knows, what Walmart really sells is necessities like toilet paper, paper towels, motor oil, soda, etc. The rest is loss lead! (I'm joking of course, but not really)

The good news is that they aren't arguing over price increases!

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