Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Gen Con Blues

Blogging has suffered a bit in the past few days. Gen Con has consumed a little more attention than expected. Meaning, I am fairly certain Steve is lying down in an alley somewhere, Todd is huddled over a steak and Tim found a nice char bar. In their respective places, they seem to be stuck.

Me, I am experiencing the Gen Con blues as I have missed yet another one. I am going to cry a river.... Of bloody words upon a page. Or, maybe get a little sleep.

Anyway hope everyone is having fun at gen con. If you did not get to go this year, shoot for next. I am. That or a Troll Moot in the fall. In old English that's gemot.

A troll gemot.

Or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Troll Moot at the lake Fall 2014!
Mac Muddles

Plywood Memories from Gencon to Vegas

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