Monday, April 21, 2014

Philip the Ghost

Back in the long ago days of the 1970s when it seems everyone was stoned on LSD . . . not sure if you get stoned or high or trip on LSD . . .  people were disco dancing, clothes shrank at the waist and exploded at the foot, painting turned into soup cans, and broadway into a weird technicolor dream coat it seems the Owen Group (not to be mistaken for the Owen Brothers) decided to create a spirit named Philip.

This group of parapyschologists or pyschopyschiatrists or whatever decided to create a fictional spirit named Philip. They drew his picture, gave him a history, and bladerunnered him up. In a seance they were able to actually speak to him, he rapped on the table, dimmed the lights and so forth.

io9 has more.

I don't even know what to make of this, but that it didn't surprise me for a moment when I saw the year 1973.

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