Thursday, April 17, 2014

Hundred Falls

The Naebar is named after a Dwarf King of the western realms. The legends speak of his crossing the Shadow Mountain at the head of a large party of his kin. He was old, fourth in his line, and beyond his years. Upon the eastern cliffs of the Shadow Mountains, he heard the tumbling noise of the many sparkling water falls that serve as the river's source. He saw then the Hundred Falls, where clear water fell many times, many hundreds of feet into frothing pools. Step by step these falls led the ice melt to the plains below. Naebar never left the land, climbing down the treacherous cliffs to the pools below. None of his guard could immediately follow him, so nimble were his steps. When at last they came to the pools, their King was gone, never seen on Aihrde again. They set a guard there, 100 of his kin who had volunteered, to watch for their King. There they stayed until they passed from the world and returned to stone (as the dwarves are want to say).

So they named the water the Hundred Falls and the river took the King's name. Its waters move swiftly and are clean and clear until they spill into the ruin that is Ington River.

~The Codex of Aihrde

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