Friday, March 21, 2014

Shit that Gary told

So there is a thread on rig net asking about gygax games. Nothing new (and I don't know anything) so don't worry about that. There was an interesting comment by a poster …
Some of us would like to try to better understand that magic that started it all, the better to capture the magic now, even as a different magic is required in the changed world today
I am just going to throw out a quick opinion. This is MY opinion and its worth about that much. The magic that started it all will not be found in the game material, the notes, the plethora of literary debris that Gary left lying about here there and elsewhere.

The magic that started it was in Gary's childhood.

Gary and I rarely talked games. We just jabbered about this that and the other. The Game was an expression of who and what he was. He and what he was was somewhere else. The magic was in his youth. He told some spectacular stories of his youthful adventures.

In one he related how he and a group of friends snuck into and abandoned mental institute (my memory is fading on several specifics). I think it was a mental institute. In the clambering about at night, in the dark, over rotting floors with half working flashlights, odd noises, knocking down doors and other crazy things he let on that a friend of his fell through a floor. The floor just gave out beneath him and he fell.

That is the magic. Those were the magic moments. I think that many of his childhood romps were the genesis of the magic of the game. The Game appeals because it appeals to the adventurous child in us all.

Anyway, just my thoughts. And here's to you Gary. Gary, a lifelong companion I had the honor of knowing for a few years.

He also told me to talk less and work more.

Considering that….

1 comment:

Charlie Warren said...

That may be "just your opinion" but I think that's pretty spot on. It makes sense and definitely matches the (all too short) email exchanges I had with Gary over a brief period of time. I didn't know him like you did but he was always seemed to have that sense of childhood wonderment, excitement, or anticipation in his words and recollections.

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