Friday, February 07, 2014

Slaughter House of Grimm

Grim grim
Darling, it was only a dream. After that the old women hid me behind a large barrel. I had scarcely hidden myself there when the robbers came home, dragging a girl with them. They gave her three kinds of wine to drink: white, red and yellow, which caused her heart to stop beating. Darling, it was only a dream. After that, they took off her fine clothes, and chopped her beautiful body to pieces on a table, then sprinkled salt on it. Darling, it was only a dream. Then one of the robbers saw that there was still a ring on her ring finger. Because it was hard to get the ring off, he took an ax and chopped off the finger. The finger flew through the air behind the large barrel, and fell into my lap. And here is the finger with the ring.
Ouch. Makes me think of the Saw movies (which I never saw).

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