Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Markdowns

Because of the power being out at TLG, we are extending the weekend sale on bundles to count as our Monday Markdowns.  Please click here to save on these great bundled deals all this week.  Thanks and we hope to be back up and running very soon!


mbeacom said...

Man, I always miss the really good ones. Right when I decided to get all the A modules, the bundle went away. So I bought the boxed set (still a great deal!) and now the bundle is back!

Troll Lord Games said...

It was supposed to be gone, but with all the issues we've been having with the websites, it was just easier to leave these specials up this week, until Friday.

mbeacom said...

Oh, I know. I don't really mind, I'm really enjoying reading the boxed set. It's nice and I'd like to have it either way. Just something about boxed sets. PDFs just can't compare. :)

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