Wednesday, April 06, 2011

New releases, Shipping Rates, Friday Night Chats, Cabbages and Kings...

It's been a while (since the wrap up of Gary Con) that I've posted a blog other than sales, and there is a lot to talk about. 

First off, we have printed our first Pathfinder book, the Book of Familiars. You can preview it at our website; there are two previews and the links to those are as follows: 

Book of Familiars Preview 1

Book of Familiars Preview 2

If you already know you want to purchase it, click: Pathfinder Book of Familiars and it will take you right to the order page. 

In addition to putting this on special for the preorder, we have also put a few other items on special as well, you can find those here: Specials. Unlike the PDF specials we have been running lately, these are all in Print form, some Hardcover, some Perfect Bound.  All C&C items on special are 50% off.

In addition, Dark Journeys is all wrapped up and will be available to be ordered soon.  I will post here and the usual haunts once it is ready for sale.

I have mentioned before that most of our products are available on Amazon.  Two main reasons we do this are 1) Because of the exposure to a larger market this gives us, and 2) The shipping rates for customers are usually much better than we can offer, especially for those outside the United States.  Because of their size and distribution capabilities, they can offer substantial savings in shipping costs, especially for those who need international shipping.  You can shop for our TLG items from Amazon and other places directly from our website in the TLG Marketplace. So if you are in Canada, or Europe, Australia, et cetera and want some Castles & Crusades goodness, you might check out the options at Amazon. 

In other news, I'm trying to get the word out about our revamped Castles & Crusades Society. Eric Piper helped create a great site and Steve recently messed around with the colors and layout and it is looking awesome.  Some people prefered the older society page because it was easier for multi channel chatting and we are working seeing if we can make it easier on the new site.  But it is still possible to chat on the new C&C Society page and there are plenty of things going on there, blogs, updates on Cons -- seeing where other Crusaders are going to be  and notes from us Trolls about the blogs we've been to.  There's even a place to share photos and videos.  So if you haven't checked it out yet, come join us! And if it's been a while since you've been in, come back and check out the new look and let's see if we can't get some Friday Night Chats going there as well, and some games, talks, etc. 

While I'm touting the Society page, I might as well remind everyone where else you can find the Trolls on the internet.  We have a Facebook page for both Troll Lord Games and Castles & Crusades, a Twitter feed, the Troll Lord Website, and yours truly (Tim) has a Twitter account too that retweets a lot of what is on Troll Lord's but frequently talks about other things, such as TrollDog Maggie or the TrollDens North Annex (aka the cabin on the Spring River).

I guess that is all for now, thanks for reading!  -- Tim

State of the Trolls, 2024

State of the Trolls It has been a momentous few years since my last State of the Troll. A great deal has happened since, from the OGL conund...