Friday, July 29, 2016

Why Can't Modern Man...

Wear a toga without looking like an idiot. I mean, really, its a pretty simple garment, what gives? Perhaps its the cloth, perhaps its our build, perhaps we really don't know what toga's were like. Perhaps we are idiots.

Or maybe all the Greeks and Romans looked like idiots. That's possible, but I find it hard to believe since the did so much ass kicking for so many years, centuries really. The Spartans kicked everyone's ass for like 400 years, and the Romans did a fair job at it for 700 years (neither of which are small feats).

Of course that may be why their statues have them naked all the time, the toga made them look like idiots and they took them off to fight!


Anonymous said...

That's not a toga. It's a peplum. The toga is the sheet wrapped around the body that was almost impossible to wear. One arm had to be held up high (the orator's stance used ever since), or a hand had to hold it up at the "lapel", another stance used by public speakers today.

Gamemorph said...

Wearing toga or peplum in the city, will probably look strange, but not so in the villages :)

Unknown said...

because it IS a ridiculous garment...

unlike the kilt!

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