Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Castles & Crusades Familiars On Kickstarter!

By popular demand we are expanding this Kickstarter! We hadn't originally intended to do this, but enough of you have mentioned that the Book of Familiars for Castles & Crusades needs a bit of an overhaul and now would be the time to do it!

We've worked out a deal with the printer and we'll be sending both books to press at the same time. With that in mind the 13K Goal, will allow us to print both books (well, we'll owe a smidge). The C&C version and the 5th edition both in FULL COLOR!

Back the version you want and get the game book of your choice! Either C&C or Fifth Edition. IF you want both just add the extra through the ADD ONs.

We've already added the new pledge levels for Castles & Crusades!

Knights, Squires, Men! To Arms and Join the Fray!


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