Thursday, January 09, 2014

Of Giants

Fire Giants: The fire giants were the first of the Faulerde, first made and first set aside. When the All Father first cast them from stone the spirit of fire remained with them so they took no shape, but burned and twisted in his hands as molten rock. He set them aside and thought no more of them. But when he breathed the breath of life and it fell upon them their fire cooled and they took his shape for themselves. But the fire never left them. But their flaws lay deeper than the fire for they were malicious and loved no things but burnt metal and black stone. They loved molten rock most of all and relished that it killed all it touched. But they possessed an understanding that others did not and they heard the speech of Burol as he thought the stone giants how to work stone. In after days they applied these skills to metal and became masters of iron.

In time the fire giants spread throughout the world, living in volcanoes or near to fire as they could. When the Horned God came to Aihrde they joined him, but not for love or servitude, for they have always held themselves to be the first and greatest of all teh Faulerde, but for want of power. So he granted them dominion of many realms. But the wars ruined that and their King, Nurrich, fell and many of their people beside. And now they are scattered far and wide.

The fire giants generally live in dungeons near the surface, for they love to raid, but always where the earth is cracked and the fire from beyond spills in. The greater giants can cross over into the Firmament into the elemental plane of fire and some even bring back creatures with them. They adorn themselves in heavy armor and prefer maces and cudgels to bladed weapons, but more than this, they prefer to pummel flesh with their fists, for they love the feel of it's destruction.

They worship no gods and serve only those who they feel might further their own ends.

~ The Codex of Aihrde

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