Friday, January 24, 2014

Codec Nordica ~ Kickstarter

About this time last year we launched a Kickstarter to bring the Codex Celtarum to print. It was a smashing success and the book released on in April. Here Brian Young explored the worlds of the Celts. Their history, mythology and culture, with an ass ton of spells, monsters and mayhem for you Castles & Crusades game!

Well, Mr. Young is back!

Yesterday we launched a Kickstarter for Brian Young's next book, the Codex Nordica. In record time it funded, broke through the first stretch goal and then broke through the second, all in 22 hours!

But we're not done yet. We'd like to ask you to help us make this even better, with Odin's Runes, more content and more free adventures! Check all the noise out here!

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