Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Dragon's Trail

When the All Father passed from the world, the Multiverse sprang into being and Wenafar set herself the task of lighting the evening’s sky, for in those days the world was flat and the Sun and Moon were not always present and the world was dark in this utter absence of light. Taking council with herself, Wenafar set to lighten the heavens with gentle flames and bring light into the darkness. She sought out Frafnog the dragon, and he, smitten with her great beauty and seeming wisdom set about the task with her. Taking thoughts from her mind she set them in the heavens. When at last she lay back, exhausted from her labors, Frafnog rose and breathed a great breath of flame and fire across the dark emptiness of the Void and lit the thoughts of Wenafar so that they burned in the sky with a brilliance that all could see. Where he passed the lights clustered thickest and this was called the dragon's trail. The whole world marveled, and evil things lay and hid for they knew not what strange portent this was. 

~The Codex of Aihrde

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