Wednesday, February 06, 2013

The 6 Million...errr Scratch That 1 Million . . .

Dollar Man!

Scientists in England are heralding this the age of the bionic man, claiming that 60-70% of the human body can be rebuilt using bionics. This week they unveil Rex, the world's most complete bionic man. Rex possesses a face, chest, hip, knees, feet. The object, according to mission scientists, is to get the bionics to the point they existed in Star Wars where Luke can feel the pain in his new hand.

We aren't quite there yet. Rex's hands do not have the dexterity that the human hand does. But of course that is just a matter of time. Read full article.

It does not escape my notice that they named him Rex, the Latin word for King. So years from now when the machines are enslaving us or destroying us that they can look back upon the first of their species and call him King.

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