Thursday, February 07, 2013

Nebula Ring (magic item)

The ring is wrought of jade, coiled and twined with threads of gold to from a thick, heavy band. Forged in the long ago days of Ethrum's glory the rings adorned the wizard-kings of those realms. Made by smiths of great renown and cast with runes of the ondluche-eoan. A nebula ring does not wear comfortably, but rather clings to the finger like a weight; its presence is never far from the mind of he who bears it. The pressure is only relieved by turning the ring, twisting it upon the finger and for those unlucky few who wear them but cannot control themselves it drives them mad so that they turn it forever and anon, failing in the end to eat or drink, until death takes them and they are no more.

For those able, possessing the ring is a wonder indeed for from it comes a wild array of mystic powers. Upon command the ring unleashes a buffeting wind of cosmic energy, green though laced with many colors the energy rolls out in an undulating wave of power causing any who fail an intelligence save to suffer 2d8 points of damage per round, up to five rounds. The energy traps the victim, lifting them from the ground and burning them from the inside out. Once caught the victim cannot be released unless the wielder ends the attack. Each round the wielder must make an constitution save (CL 10+1 per round); if they fail the nebula ring fails and the attack ends.

post script: Picture is not in fact the ring in action, though that is much what the cloud of energy looks like, but actually the orion nebula take from!

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