Friday, February 08, 2013

Han Solo

It looks like Disney has confirmed that the next several Star Wars movies will be stand alone. On the table are the origins of Han Solo and/or a story involving the Bounty Hunter Bobo Fett. The former might be interesting, but the latter I'm not that keen on. I know the bounty hunter is wildly popular, but he didn't seem to do much aside from getting his ass kicked.

Han Solo on the other hand is a real bad ass (perhaps who the clones should have been modeled after) and has an interesting back story, even pulling first and killing that Greedo chap.


DesignZombie said...

Yeah, it was a rather anticlimactic to kill a bad guy. It also reminds me of that General Grievis guy from the original Clone Wars cartoon (the one that came out right before Revenge of the Sith), where they built him up to be the boogyman of the Jedi only to kill him with a laser pistol like a chump in the 3rd movie.

ColoradoChris said...

I've been assured that Boba Fett survived the Sarlaac, and that he eventually caught up with Han Solo. I don't read any of the Star Wars books, but I'm told one of them ends with Solo and Fett pointing their blasters at each other wondering who will be the one to pull the trigger.
Solo stories could be pretty awesome. Question is, who would play him...?

Troll Lord said...

I'm not sure who I would post to play Han Solo...I'd almost want to do the movie beginning with Harrison Ford as Solo, older of course, telling the story of his first run . . .

DZ, yeah, Star Wars does that, it can be a good prop if done right, like in the Western Open Range.

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