Monday, May 21, 2012

Wizards come in many shapes and sizes. Peter and I are mulling over the dress of the wizard on the new PH cover. I'm leaning toward traditional, flowing robes, cloaks and the like. He's leaning more toward the practical, adventuring wizard . . . .

My Thoughts...the one in the tree.

Peter's thoughts...
I'm beginning to lean toward peters.


Deogolf said...

The "Tree" wizard looks more mysterious; but, it really depends on what kind look you're trying to portray.

Chris D. said...

I love Peter's wizard. One of my favorite images of his in the PH. Keep it!! I think it is the best image of an adventuring wizard I've seen. I mean, who really is gonna run around a dangerous dungeon in long flowing robes? It's like that joke about super-heroes and their capes! Think about it, big bad orc sees wizard about to cast a spell, all he needs do, is grab the robe, jerk it toward him, wizard knocked off his feet and splat, Orc axe in his noggin! And the seige engine will certainly give that Orc a good chance of success. At least when I'm CKing :)

Natha said...

Visually the wizard in floating, colorfull, heavy robe and mantel, is great.
But I can't see myself crawling narrow, dangerous and filthy dungeons in that outfit, trying to avoid monster's hit, jumping over traps, climbing ropes etc.
Peter's vision seems more realistic towards these activities.

Troll Lord said...

Yeah, I think I agree. I'll back off the flowing robes. It will be a nice rug-cutting element for C&C. Loving it! said...

As long as they're not dressed like Criss Angel, I'm OK. Though dressing one up as Blackstone Sr might be impressive!

R.J. Thompson said...

How about something in the vein of traditional D&D, ie semi-practical robes. Let's think early images of Mordenkainen and Bigby.

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