Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Sometimes its not in the Cards

When Svien Forkbeard took the throne of Denmark he had in mind a greater kingdom and set his eyes on his western neighbors in England. Our information on Svein's motives is patchy, as all Viking information is, as the Vikings were too busy burning Europe down to write about it. Some of the saga's place his motivations at the feet of his murdered sister, who may have fallen in a general masacre of the Danes in England by the English King, Ethelred called the Redeless.

But whatever the case Svein spent two decades destroying the English crown, fighting long, grueling campaigns complete with great valor, dark treachery, wondrous conquests and men fighting against all odds. At last in 1013 the English collapsed and London Town surrendered. Svein took control of all England. The barons swore an oath to him and he was crowned King, expanding his monarchy to encompass all the wealth of England.

Five weeks later, he died.

Reaper Miniature Above!!


Anthony Simeone said...

Hail the victorious dead!

Troll Lord said...

Well Said!! said...

I'd research (OK, I'd google!) how he died, but it would probably be some inglorious and sad death such as infected sinus or foot rot or something. Would druther imagine that he died gloriously in battle or fighting against assassins who surprised him in his bedchambers in the middle of the night.

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