Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Icelandic Folk song

No idea what it means. anyone form Iceland?


George said...

That's a cool song. I pictured a bunch of Vikings on a ship singing it.

By the way - how is Castles & Crusades? I got the quickstart rules and it looks great.

Anonymous said...

I'm not quite sure, but I believe it's got something to do with ravens...

Troll Lord said...

@George, C&C is heading to a 5th printing sometime soon. I'm not sure if you've had a chance to play yet, but it really is an easy to learn role playing game with quick character generation and smooth playing sessions. Ran a session last night, even had one player play via Ipad!

Troll Lord said...

@Rorschachamster wherever in the world did you get that idea!? haha

State of the Trolls, 2024

State of the Trolls It has been a momentous few years since my last State of the Troll. A great deal has happened since, from the OGL conund...