Friday, July 01, 2011



Anonymous said...


Davis Chenault said...

This is an Ethiopian underground church. The one I stole is a stock photo and was in an article about something else. I believe the one depicted is from LalibeLa (or something similar). It was supposed to have or currently has the Ark of the Covenant in it,

Omote said...

I am currently thinking of using these underground cathedrals in a Aihrdian game set in the Gelderland. Matter of fact, there is a thread about this very topic on the MBs in the Erde section!

Davis Chenault said...

I'll go and find it tonight. I used the idea to create a city of worship. It is made of sunken shrines. i like the work-up.

i've never done much looking into the reason as to why these churches are sunken.hmm maybe they just sank?

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