Monday, April 04, 2011

Two for Tuesday sale and a bit more...

I'm starting the Two for Tuesday sale a little earlier because I have to be on the road at 5am and am busy all morning.  So now you have the full 24 hours to save on this deal for both PDFs! It's a good one, buy A0 The Rising Knight and get one of our most popular sellers of all time, A1 Assault on Blacktooth Ridge for free!  Click here to save: Two for Tuesday

I will be out of the loop for a good part of tomorrow, but on Wednesday I have a lot of news to share, questions to ask and will also have the 2 hour Wednesday sale (we need a catchy title for that one; any ideas?).  We have been mulling over an idea that a fan pointed out and we want to see what other people think about it.  But that will have to wait for a day or so, since I must try and get at least a few hours sleep!  Thanks, Tim

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Plywood Memories from Gencon to Vegas

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