Monday, March 14, 2011

Convention updates -- Where the Trolls will be

While we await final confirmation details on our own TrollCon, we thought you might want to know about a few of the upcoming Cons we will be attending. 

March 25-27 -- We will be in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin for GaryCon.  Three days of gaming, seeing old friends, meeting new ones.  We will have a vendor table set up in case anyone wants to buy anything.  As some of you know, Gary Gygax was a good friend to the Trolls, Steve in particular, so we welcome this chance to honor and celebrate him.

April 15-17 -- The Trolls will be heading north again, though not quite as far as Wisconsin.  This time it will be for Egypt Wars, in Carbondale, Illinois.  Three days of gaming; Steve and Todd will have to really keep their wits about them. 

August 4-7 -- We will be at GenCon. The Trolls can't miss out on the biggest gaming event of the year! In addition to having a booth, we will be at Scotty's Brewhouse for a GenCon Meet-n-Greet on Wednesday, August 3 from 8 to 11:30.  Come hang out with the The Trolls, Fat Dragon Games crew, the Kentucky Fried Gamers, the Whosyergamers and kick off Gen Con right!

We are still looking into a few other Cons as well as our own TrollCon.  Probably Origins, maybe a few others.  As we figure out where we will be, we'll let you know.  Cons you want to see the Trolls at?  Let us know in the comment section here.

Thanks -- Tim

1 comment:

Treebore said...

Neon Con in Vegas. Should be in November, I haven't seen the new dates yet.

State of the Trolls, 2024

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