The hills of the Rhuneland are wild and beautiful and play host to a people beholden to none. ~ The World of Aihrde
Popular Culture, Movies, History, Games, Castles and Crusades. The musings of the Brothers Chenault. Troll Lord Games
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Monday, December 17, 2018
Dwarven Doors
In the snow-capped heights they built their holds. Clever people, they hid them in the mountain's rock. But magic leaves scars and blackens and it is said that their doors can be found where the rock is blackest. ~ The World of Aihrde
Tuesday, December 04, 2018
Of Stone Bridges & Mountains
They spanned the cliffs with bridges of stone, making their holds as one. There they remain, high in the mountains of the Lands of Ursal, forgotten remnants of an age of glory and wonder. ~ The World of Aihrde
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Air so Still
Fresh-fallen snow swaddles the valley and hill where the castle stands. The stillness draws you into a momentary state of calm.
It does not last.
What comes behind you must be stopped with steel and sorcery, or at the very least, the valley and its Lord must be warned . . ..
~ Adventure in the World of Aihrde
It does not last.
What comes behind you must be stopped with steel and sorcery, or at the very least, the valley and its Lord must be warned . . ..
~ Adventure in the World of Aihrde
Monday, November 12, 2018
The Fael Mur
The Winter Dark, called by some the Long Centuries or the Mellenial Dark, lasted for over a thousand years. During all those years the people of Aihrde suffered from the want of warmth. Only the seeds of the Fael Mur planted by Ea-Raena saved the world, for those plants, set in the earth before the sun ever rode the heavens grew by the light of star and moon. ~ The World of Aihrde
Friday, November 02, 2018
Castles at Sea
He took up residence on the island. He fortified it with walls and towers. There he dwelt, far from the haunts of the world upon the edge of the Dreaming Sea. And there he remains still, a haunt, lost and filled with longing. ~ The World of Aihrde
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
The Twin Barrows
They lay the Duchess and her suitor to rest in twin barrows in the land north of the Powder River. Few lamented their passing. In time they were forgotten and the barrows left untended. But 'tis said by the locals that on cold nights, when the air is still, that she comes out, seeking her lover, calling his name. But he doesn't answer for his soul was damned. ~ The World of Aihrde
Monday, October 15, 2018
Monday, October 08, 2018
Kain's Desolation
The wasted lands of Kain's Desolation give way at last to the rough country of southern Augsberg, where the low lying hills tumble toward the tall Voralberg Mountains in the far west. ~ The World of Aihrde
Tuesday, October 02, 2018
Upon the Edge of the Dreaming Sea
He sat upon the shore, waiting for the Dream Horn, that craft of Utumno's that rode the silent waves of the Dreaming Sea beyond the confines the wold. But it never came for him again and he sat there until time robbed him of youth and life. ~ The World of Aihrde
Friday, September 28, 2018
The Meander
The path lies before you, a small snaking thing. It meanders into the wood with little fanfare, belying the dangers that lie at its end. ~ World of Aihrde
Monday, September 24, 2018
Tower Ruins
The ruins stood out in the summer sun. A white tower weathered with
time, marking the extent of the realm of the Ethrum Kings. But it was
not the tower alone that draws you, it's what lies beneath . . . .
Friday, September 07, 2018
The Castle in Ruins
At the last Unklar, the Horned God, came to the castle. In a dark cloud of rage he unmade the walls and cast all into ruin. Even so the King, Robert Luther, fought bravely on, matching his sword against the Darkness. But in the end he fell, and it is said that on that day, all the light went out in the world. ~ World of Aihrde
Wednesday, September 05, 2018
Waters So Blue
The river ends in a deep pool of clear, blue water. Somewhere below lies the entrance to the Delvin Deeps. ~ The World of Aihrde
Monday, August 27, 2018
The Perth Timberland
The Perth Timberland is that wood that fences the norther border of the Darkenfold. It is a young forest, wild and free, yet home to many creatures both fair and foul. ~ World of Aihrde
Friday, August 24, 2018
The Marrowdale
The Rhodope Moutains rise from the Marrowdale like a fence. Walls of stone capped by snow and ice. The Marrowdale is a wild and reckless land. ~ Word of Aihrde
Friday, August 17, 2018
Beyond the Mist
The water rose in mists like steam. Somewhere beyond the rocks and overhanging foliage was the trail to the old gnome's home. ~ World of Aihrde
Monday, August 06, 2018
The Land at the End of the World
Faurenost became powerful in wealth and magic, and it used this knowledge with fell intent. ~ The World of Aihrde (now on KICKSTARTER).
Friday, August 03, 2018
They Built Temples
But time and war have left their mark. In these ruins lie the vestiges of the ancient world, and beneath, or so it is said, lie their treasures.
Limited #: Tarzan, John Carter and the Earth's Core
Limited supply of beautiful HARD COVER copies of three famous Burroughs books that we (Chenault & Gray/Troll Lord Games) published earlier this year.
GET THEM NOW, before they are gone
Tarzan of the Apes
Princess of Mars
At the Earth's Core
GET THEM NOW, before they are gone
Tarzan of the Apes
Princess of Mars
At the Earth's Core
Thursday, August 02, 2018
Monday, July 30, 2018
Autumn in the Aenochian Forest
It is rumored that here lie the ancestral land of House Golden, the old imperial family of Aenoch. It is said that the tomb of the last King lies somewhere within, hiding the riches and magic of his folk. ~ The World of Aihrde (new webpage)
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
The Fires of Huadun
The gate lies within a mountain of rock and is lit by the fires of the Futhnopt where lay the dragon, Huadun, that guards the Five Gates to the Wretched Plains. ~ The World of Aihrde
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Monday, July 23, 2018
Players Guide on Kickstarter, Pledge Now
Join us on Kickstarter and help bring the Players Guide to Aihrde to 5th Edition!
an Early Bird! Pledge in the first 48 hours and receive a digital copy
of the 5th Edition Adventure module, Sword of Rami for FREE!
The Fifth Edition Players Guide to Aihrde
is a game book designed for players! It is absolutely jam-packed with
information to take your Fifth Edition Fantasy game in wholly new
directions. This material plays in any setting and at any table that 5th
Edition is played.
- Demi-human classes...the dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling and in addition, we present a brand new race: the goblin as a PC, with a special Eldritch Goblin (reborn) sub-race!
- New Spells
- New Equipment
- New Character Class Options
- And so very much more.
this bound in the world of Aihrde setting, but you don't have to take
the plunge for Aihrde. This material plays anywhere, in any setting.
Though we caution you to take a moment and look at the world setting, it's not something to miss!
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Thursday, July 05, 2018
The Binding of Wenafar
"Unklar sought out Wenafar after a time, and beseeched her to join him in his efforts. She was far-seeing, and held as one of the greatest of the Val Eahrakun and Wenafar spurned the Horned God, “Be off darkness, for you are the mote in his eye and bring discomfort to all you touch.” But she did not fully grasp the power of Unklar and had forgotten that it took the might of all the Named Val Eahrakun to drive Unklar into the Undeeps and she misjudged him.
In the north of the Lands of Ursal lay a small mountain without consequence. The dwarves of old had built a hill fort upon its flanks, but that they abandoned in the early days of the Kinship Wars. Unklar came to this mountain and raised it up, burying the fort and all around in heaps of stone and fresh soil. The Horned God drew water from the earth so that it pooled at the top in a mere, and he set many trees to grow about it. The mere was deep and still and cold, reflecting the heavens above as would a mirror. It was the most beautiful of all his creations, but its design was otherwise.
Into the water he set a powerful magic so that whomsoever looked into it became snared in time. The passing of days had no meaning for its victims, so that they remained there until their gaze should be broken. Unklar named it Monrudge, and it was a prison and a trap for Wenafar. Birds were Wenafar’s greatest love, and these she made of herself in the Days before Days and released to roam the wide world. She watched over them, and they were her eyes and ears all over the world. Rumor of a mere came to her, for birds spoke of it to her, relating tales of how no creature, great or small, could pass over it without being lost. She stole away to the mere in secret, to glean what she could of its making.
Few were the places of Aihrde that Wenafar had no knowledge of, and this was one. She knew it was of Unklar’s making, and saw many of her birds laying dead around the mere. She approached cautiously, but without fear, for she was a Val Eahrakun, and accounted the hand maiden of the All Father. That fearlessness was her undoing, for when she cast her gaze into the deep waters and saw the light of the skies above her, she fell into a trance. Sitting down by the lake she marveled at its beauty and wondered at the heavens that were partially of her own devising.
Unklar came to her then and wove a mist around the mere, and set snares and traps of his own devising, such than none could easily come to Wenafar’s aid. In later years, rumor of her came to men of bold intent and many tried to rescue her, but they left their bones, and their tales, upon the jagged cliffs of Monrudge.
There she remained for many hundreds of years."
Excerpt from the Codex of Aihrde, The Binding of Wenafar, Page 78
In the north of the Lands of Ursal lay a small mountain without consequence. The dwarves of old had built a hill fort upon its flanks, but that they abandoned in the early days of the Kinship Wars. Unklar came to this mountain and raised it up, burying the fort and all around in heaps of stone and fresh soil. The Horned God drew water from the earth so that it pooled at the top in a mere, and he set many trees to grow about it. The mere was deep and still and cold, reflecting the heavens above as would a mirror. It was the most beautiful of all his creations, but its design was otherwise.
Into the water he set a powerful magic so that whomsoever looked into it became snared in time. The passing of days had no meaning for its victims, so that they remained there until their gaze should be broken. Unklar named it Monrudge, and it was a prison and a trap for Wenafar. Birds were Wenafar’s greatest love, and these she made of herself in the Days before Days and released to roam the wide world. She watched over them, and they were her eyes and ears all over the world. Rumor of a mere came to her, for birds spoke of it to her, relating tales of how no creature, great or small, could pass over it without being lost. She stole away to the mere in secret, to glean what she could of its making.
Few were the places of Aihrde that Wenafar had no knowledge of, and this was one. She knew it was of Unklar’s making, and saw many of her birds laying dead around the mere. She approached cautiously, but without fear, for she was a Val Eahrakun, and accounted the hand maiden of the All Father. That fearlessness was her undoing, for when she cast her gaze into the deep waters and saw the light of the skies above her, she fell into a trance. Sitting down by the lake she marveled at its beauty and wondered at the heavens that were partially of her own devising.
Unklar came to her then and wove a mist around the mere, and set snares and traps of his own devising, such than none could easily come to Wenafar’s aid. In later years, rumor of her came to men of bold intent and many tried to rescue her, but they left their bones, and their tales, upon the jagged cliffs of Monrudge.
There she remained for many hundreds of years."
Excerpt from the Codex of Aihrde, The Binding of Wenafar, Page 78
Friday, June 29, 2018
Tuesday, June 05, 2018
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
The Long Pursuit
The mountains give way to a broken country of small rock capped ridges, fields of stubby grass, lakes, ponds and a few trees choked of nutrients. Your pursuit has only just begun. ~ The World of Aihrde
Friday, May 11, 2018
Friday, May 04, 2018
The rolling, barren hills beyond the Broad Valley are devoid of life but for the daemon who hunt them, ever seeking lost souls.
Thursday, May 03, 2018
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
The Pool of His Thought
And Unklar climbed to the heights of Aufstrag where the pool of his
thought was frozen and he contemplated the heavens and all his domain! ~The World of Aihrde
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Of Trondheim and her People
A fierce people, the men of Trondheim were merciless and fought for the love of battle and the plunder that was their reward. ~ The World of Aihrde
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Beyond the Falls
Beyond the falls they said, it lay in the land beyond the falls. But they did not say what kind of land it was. ~ The World of Aihrde
Monday, April 09, 2018
Canyon Walls
Beyond the canyon lay the Valley of the All Father and the wealth of the Dwarves of old, or so at least, you have been told. ~The World of Aihrde
Wednesday, April 04, 2018
Monday, April 02, 2018
Hard Climbs
The ridge gives way to a steep jumble of rocks and boulders. There is
not trail to the broad river below...only a long arduous climb down.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Pondering Gods
And there, in the dawn of the world the All Father sat in quiet and pondered what he had wrought. But he wondered must of all at the dark. ~The World of Aihrde
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Monday, March 26, 2018
The Tombstep Cliffs
The stone climbs high before you. The staggered steps of stone begin beyond a field of boulders. And at the top, the ruins of some creature's abode.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Gray Darkness
The rise gives way to narrow gulch dominated by a set of old stone steps that lead down and into a tunnel beneath the hill. The smell of cold dirt rises gently from the gray darkness below.
Friday, March 16, 2018
The Gate
Before you lies a deep gulch, but on the other side a road that passes beneath a rocky cliff through a small tunnel. Beyond you see the comforting site green foilage . . . surely that means there is water beyond . . . and saftey?
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
The Timberland
On the forest's eastern eves lies the Perth Timberland. It is new growth and the Druids of Let say that it is a herald of the return of the Ethvold.
The World of Aihrde
The World of Aihrde
Monday, March 12, 2018
Miss Gary Con?
Fear not, you can still save like you were there!
We ran a lot of our stuff at 40% off during GaryCon and we are going to pass along those savings to you!
Get 40% on almost all our items in our online store, from Castles & Crusades, Victorious, Amazing Adventures and much much more.
But it only lasts 24 hours -- Expires Tuesday morning! Click HERE to save now!
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