Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Semicolon

I have of late become enamored with the semicolon and I'm not at all sure that I use it correctly. TLGs many editors catch it when they can, but like so many arrows in a storm, you can only bloke so many.

The semicolon connects two independent clauses; a clause can stand alone as its own sentence. You should never use the semicolon with a conjunction like and, but, nor, for etc etc . . . . Use the semicolon when you want to "form a bond" between two clauses. You can also use a semicolon to list items that are separated by commas. Like First Level Spells: sleep, magic missile; Second Level Spells: Happy Happy Fun Time Food, Not Cabbage.

This site is great for its explanation. How To Use a Semicolon.

Now, here is what its like being an editor for me at Troll Lord Games . . . in this instance I am the Chinese Army and the editors are defending the masters of the house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great post; I'm also a big fan of the semicolon.

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