Monday, February 11, 2013

New Magic...Tul Stone

Stone giants revel in their mastery of stone. They do not shape it as others do, with pick and axe, but rather they take it in hand and breath magic into it. The Tul Stone is such a stone. The giants find river stones, or those lodged in ice or snow. The play upon the stones long cold and cast the rune of fire into it, awakening in the stone a desire for warmth. Thus it lingers, warm to the touch. But when struck upon a similar stone, sparks and flame ignite one or the other, or both. The Tul stones burn for a many hours until the memory of the cold is gone and the magic of the rune passes away. The giants almost always have a stone well shaped to their palm and grip which they use to strike other stones. Once used the stone takes on a darker shade and the giant discards it, or leaves it in the fire pit where it was used.

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